Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bettering Your Poker Game

By Simon M Skinner

Poker is one of the best loved online casino games, and it's still pretty popular in person, too. Most people learn it as their first card game. It's the one that most people play when they get together for a fun game. That means a lot of people would like to know how to win at poker, and whether there's anything they can do to tip the balance. Let's look at how you can win at poker a little more often.

Don't play too many hands! Beginners frequently fall into this trap, especially when they're playing at online casinos. The best poker players play a fifth to a third of their starting hands.

Another common mistake is that people refuse to fold once they've made a bet already. This is a horrible mistake that's just going to see you throwing away money calling bets for hands that you cannot even win. You have to learn when to fold and you have to be fine with it, instead of taking it personally.

You should set realistic expectations and should sit down at tables that match your skill level and bankroll. A table with a higher limit not only may be too risky for you, but it will probably have players who are far more advanced than you as well.

There's no reason to sit down with seasoned players just to lose all of your money and not even be able to enjoy yourself in the process.

Get information through poker betting. This one might sound strange, but you might not always bet just because you have a good hand.

Betting can help you figure out what your opponents are likely to do. Defensive bets early on can help you keep from calling a bigger bet later on. Re-raises can help you figure out how credible your opponent really is.

It's of the most importance that you learn how and when to bluff. But be careful not to bluff too often, because if you do and you get called on it, nobody will take your bluffs seriously.

Figure out when your risk is lowest, and bluff then. You should also understand player position - strong hands can be influenced by the position in which you play them.

There are tons of books and guides out there that can help you learn how to play poker better. Read many different ways to win and figure out the ones that work the best when you use them. You can keep track by keeping notes of your hands or using software that automatically does it for you.

When you know how to play poker, not only will you have more fun, but you'll also be able to win more money.

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